D. Sources of Influence and Transmission

8. Ôwada Tateki. Works 1892~1908.

Ôwada’s Yôkyoku tsûkai (Complete annotated edition of the nô plays, 8 vols., 1892; rev. ed., Tokyo: Hakubunkan, 1896), the most important Japanese collection of the nô at the turn of the century, is the primary text from which Hirata (Ap) and Fenollosa (D10) worked in preparing the translations that eventually found their way to Pound (see, especially, BK24). According to Miyake (BK191) the Fenollosa papers at Yale (CB1b) demonstrate that Hirata and Fenollosa also worked from Ôwada’s Utai to nô (Nô chanting and plays, 1900) along with other earlier works on the nô, including Gunsho ruiju (Books collected and classified, 1779-1839) and Shiseki shuran (Collections of historical documents, 1881-85). Some critics have speculated that Ôwada’s later multi-volume editions of the nô used by Waley (see 26b), Nô no shiori (1903) and Yôkyoku hyôshaku (1907-08), were also sources for Fenollosa, but the papers that ended up with Pound were prepared before 1901. Ôwada, in Hirata and Fenollosa’s translation, is quoted at length in Pound’s ‘Classical Stage of Japan’ (BK17).





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